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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WinCC/ODK (Open Development Kit)


Would you like to considerably expand the functionality of WinCC for a sector-specific application? Do you want to integrate your own data in WinCC tools, e.g. the reporting and logging system? The WinCC options package Open Development Kit WinCC/ODK specifies open programming interfaces, which you can use to gain access to data and functions of the WinCC configuration and runtime system. The interfaces are designed as C-Application Programming Interface (C-API). Programming examples show the use of C# and VB.NET with WinCC /ODK.


  • Individual system expansions via an open standard programming language (C++, C#, VB.NET)

  • Access to data and functions of the WinCC configuration and runtime system

  • Development of your own applications and add-ons for the WinCC basic system


For example, ODK functions can be used

  • to generate a message

  • to determine the value of a tag

  • to change the object properties in a screen

  • to export a database table

In the delivery kit for WinCC/ODK there is a CD-ROM with several examples and a voucher for a one-day training session and expanded support via a telephone hotline.

ODK functions are also employed by the WinCC Competence Centers and partner firms for the development of technology and industry-specific WinCC Add-Ons.

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