new add

Tuesday, July 19, 2011



The application of the server option makes a WinCC single user system a powerful client/server system. It allows multiple coordinated operator stations to be operated together with networked automation systems. A server supplies up to 32 connected clients with process data, archive data, messages, screens and reports. This requires a network connection (TCP/IP) between the server computer and the connected clients.


  • Setting up a client/server system - for operating and monitoring relatively large plants with up to 32 coordinated clients

  • Distributed functions or applications on several servers - with high performance profiles at high system performance levels

  • Overview for the entire project - with access to all the servers in the plant from operator station

  • Favorably priced configuration on the client (the lowest license is necessary)


Servers and clients of your choice

Depending on the plant size, up to 12 servers can be employed. In general, the plant is controlled by WinCC (SCADA) clients that access one server or that possess a central view to multiple servers (see also "distributed system"). The clients only require the smallest runtime license (RT128) or complete license (RC128) if you also want to confi gure on the client. This makes it possible to configure reasonably priced operator and configuration stations in a network. You can of course carry out configuration online without affecting the function of the servers and operator stations.


Fig.: Simple client/server configuration

Operator stations are also possible in the form of Web clients. In heterogeneous configurations with SCADA and Web clients, this yields, amongst other things, the following performance profile limits (variations are possible).

  • 50 WinCC Web-Clients and 1 WinCC SCADA-Client, or

  • 32 WinCC SCADA-Clients and 3 WinCC Web-Clients

Distributed system

Thus, in a complex installation, WinCC can be configured as a distributed system, in accordance with the physical structure of the plant (e. g. body-in-white shop, paint shop), or on a functional basis, e.g. message server, archive server, etc. Distributing the complete application or the tasks to several servers makes possible a much higher performance profile, takes the load off the individual servers and ensures good performance. Distribution also takes into account the topology of a plant. A special example of a functional distribution is an archive server (option package: WinCC/Central Archive Server) that is used as a central crosscompany information exchange and that can be accessed using a Connectivity Station for example. The complete view of the plant is implemented using clients that have access to or a view of the screens and data of different server projects at the same time. You can configure a common message and trend view of the archives of different servers for these clients.

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